Wednesday 28 April 2010

Read this, while you still can

Call me Lady Chatterley and forever catch me some rye.  I've been BANNED.  My mother would be so proud.

I use a 3G dongle for internet access, and my telecomunication provider of choice (let's call them T-orangaphone2, just to keep you guessing) has a default filtering policy.  In other words, until I specifically tell them that I want to, I'm not allowed to access websites which they think are dodgy. 

This seems fairly reasonable to me; especially since I could, as an over-18 year old, get the filter removed by filling out an online form. I tried doing this once (no, not for whatever reason you are thinking, thank you - go and wash your imagination out with soap this instant) and it wasn't actually quite as simple as they said it would be, but that's by the by, except for it means I still have the filter switched on.  I keep meaning to get around to emailing the company to say their online form isn't working, but partly because the filter isn't causing me any major problems, and mainly becuase I have an innate tendency just to put up with things that aren't working properly until they really cause me a major problem, I haven't.

I may have to now, though, because today when I tried to access my sweet little innocent blog, I got this:

"Good golly gosh and fiddlesticks" I thought to myself (although perhaps not in quite those words, unless you're from the internet filtering company in which case they are exactly the words I used.)

Yup, apparently I'm a bit dodgy.  Or at least, my blog is.  As you may have spotted, I can still post, but I can't view the blog in the way that you can see it, and nor (I assume) can anyone else using the same mobile broadband service, which is a pain in that-body-part-I-dare-not-name-just-in-case-the-filter-picks-this-post-up-too.

I've been trying to work out what I've written which might have trigged this.  Any guesses?  The only explanation I can come up with is that last night my Twitter feed, over on the right there, would have included a comment about, er, women's top bits.  (I was watching  Heston Blumemthal on the telly and he was making some out of chocolate). This seems an unlikely culprit though, unless the filter is properly, properly sensitive.  I'd genuinely be interested to know if anyone has any other ideas.

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