Sunday 20 June 2010

Sunday Night Music Club - Live from RFH (almost)

Tonight's SNMC comes to you from the Royal Festival Hall, one of my favourite places on earth. To be honest, it's beautifully sunny outside, I'm contemplating a second glass of wine and the Sunday night blues are still far, far away.  But it could be different for you; if thoughts of tomorrow morning are already snapping at your heels, you're in exactly the right place.

I've been here catching up on a bit of admin (on a Sunday, yes - who ever said that a freelancer's lot is an easy one?) but have also been enjoying some rather lovely live music performances.  One of the artists was this guy, Johnny Flynn, who I had never heard of before today, but I will listening to a lot more of.  He's ace.  I particularly like the fact that one of his songs is called Barnacle Warship*, but that's not the one I've got for you tonight. Instead, may I present the Brown Trout Blues:

This clip is an accoustic version which is great, but the proper one, which is also on Youtube, is even better.** I can't embed it here, which is annoying, but it's worth having a little listen to as well.  Even if you don't like the song, you really should click that link if for no other reason than to read the comments underneath the clip.  I don't tend to bother with these usually, but this time a funny little exchange caught my eye, between Prufrocksong and some other guy:

10 months ago (Prufrocksong):
I love him. Saw him play a couple of years ago and he left such a lasting impression on me. Has anyone else noticed that he always incorporates food? Listen to his lyrics/song titles - cold bread, leftovers, flushed red apple skin, bacon rind, bread of christ etc..

3 days ago (the other guy):
@prufrocksong I'm sure there are a few extremist christians who'd say that the bread of christ is a bit more than food... more of a ticket to everlasting life :) Nice observation though..
That other guy is really on the ball.

Reading on through the comments, since I was already there, I learned quite a lot about an ongoing war between Twilight fans and folk music lovers.  Apparently R-Patz (in case you're not as down with the kids as I am, innit, that's yoof-speak for Robert Pattison, the sexy*** vampire bloke in the Twilight films) is a folk music fan and whenever he's in town, folk gigs tend to get over-run with obsessive teenage girls who couldn't give a flying fiddle about the music and are just there in case he turns up. I can see how it might be annoying if you're a proper music fan, but it's also incredibly sweet.


(Just a reminder)

**This is unusual for me; I often prefer stripped down versions of stuff. There's a particular song I've wanted to use for Sunday Night Music Club for ages, but I can't find the (far superior) accoustic version anywhere, which is driving me nuts. I will let you know if I find it.

***Unless you're Team Jacob, obviously.

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