Tuesday 13 July 2010

Swiss Missed (but does your wolf need a haircut?)

I’ve been in Switzerland. My poxy* camera stopped working while I was there, so I can't show you any photos of the hotel we were staying in. You'll just have to believe me when I say it was pretty cool.

If I had been taking photos, one of them definitely would have been of the tardis-like hatch which gave access to the roof terrace if you pressed the right button. But, obviously, I can't show you that, or the roof terrace itself, or the panoramic views across Zurich which could be enjoyed from said roof terrace.

Ditto the gorgeous downstairs bar where we watched the World Cup final (stripped floorboards, lots of brass fixtures, grand piano in the corner)and the sweeping curves of the beautiful wooden staircase in the centre of it.  You couldn't walk down those stairs any way but elegantly.  I know, becuase I tried.

I also can't show you any of the great stuff they have in Zurich. Like, for instance, a funny water fountain shaped like a goose, and some giant boxes of cereal randomly sitting in a park, and a house which had so many shuttered windows it looked like an advent calendar. Also the massive lake, which as well as being beautiful and clear and almost sparkly had diving boards stuck right in the middle of it. Proper, springy ones at 1m and 3m, as well as a 10m tall platform. In the lake.

The architecture was beautiful, the sun was shining, and the scenery was picture perfect. And I can't show you any of these things BECAUSE MY POXY* CAMERA STOPPED WORKING. I’m sure you have painted much better pictures in your head by now, but still.  It's very annoying.

I was away with my Dad and step-mum, my dad’s cousin (who is my cousin once removed), her second husband, and their granddaughter (who is my second cousin once removed but going in the other direction). Those family connections believe it or not, are the easy bit; both cousins were called Caroline. In case you have forgotten, I am also called Caroline, meaning that Carolines made up 50% of our travelling party. No one knew who anyone was talking to all weekend. It got very funny.

I took exactly one photo in Zurich before my camera died, and this is it:

Had I known it would be my one and only holiday snap, I might have gone for something more traditional.

*this is the filter-friendly version of the adjective I would actually like to use in this sentence**

**I mean, "these sentences"

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