1. From the comments at another blog:
I'm sorry to ignore the four challenges you've thrown down but I just wanted to add my own favourite phrase to those you mentioned. It comes from my daughter; it is the name of a game she used to play with her best friend, and it's called Restaurant, Vampire & Pony.
2. I doubt there is anyone in entire universe who hasn't heard the cat-in-the-wheelie-bin story a million times by now, but here's an alternative version of the story you may not have seen. It's very silly, but it made me smile.
3. "Sorry, I must have got my Walters crossed" is my new favourite expression. This is why. Good old Letters of Note. (Speaking of LoN this is incredibly sweet too. I can't remember if I've posted it before)
4. Some time soon I am going to learn how to knit this squid:

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