Saturday 7 August 2010

Totally Worth the Licence Fee

Some things which have made me laugh on Radio 4 this morning*:

Fi Glover recounting a story she once read about a family of aristocrats who had a unique way of dealing with wasps when they went on picnics: smearing jam all over the bald head of their butler and making him sit several metres away from them.

This comment, from a tongue-tied Aussie climate change protester explaining why he was dressed as an elephant:  "The elephant is climate change in the room" (I think we all know what he means.  But bless him.) 

Sandy Shaw talking about being discovered by whoever it was (I wasn't listening properly) who discovered her, then adding as an afterthought  "That always makes me feel a bit like a continent."

The Esperanto expert who was convinced that the best way to get Esperanto taken more seriously is to have a celebrity learn it. His suggestion: Naomi Campbell. 

I don't have time to do the maths and work out what proportion of my licence fee equates to a couple of hours of radio on a Saturday morning, but it was money well spent.

*That's bad grammar.  I wasn't on Radio 4 this morning.


  1. Naomi Campbell wouldn't be my first choice as an advocate for Esperanto either, but the man interviewed did quite a good job himself. I loved his choice of Esperanto music!

  2. I agree. I don't think that everyone would race to learn Esperanto if Naomi Campbell learnt it.

    Hardly a linguistic style icon.

  3. Yes, I thought he was great - such passion! Comedy value aside, it was a fascinating interview.
