Wednesday 5 January 2011

Lazy Marketing

What is wrong with this picture (from an email which arrived today)?

Let me tell you. This is the email in full: there's no other text, no images of products, nothing. Aside from the fact that it's the type of email which drives me crazy because I receive about nine billion of them from Amazon every week, it's plain lazy.

If Amazon are going to jump on the new year resolutions / fresh start / everyone wants to make their life so much better so let's use it as an excuse to flog stuff bandwagon,  then the least they could do is ACTUALLY SUGGEST SOME THINGS I MIGHT LIKE TO CONSIDER BUYING.  Self-help books. Step machines. Vegetable steamers.  That kind of stuff.  I won't actually buy any of these things, but that's not the point. 

Basically, the message here seems to be "Kickstart your new life, and make a fresh start by buying something.  Anything. We don't really care what you buy, as long as you buy it."

I already buy stuff from Amazon.  I expect I'm not alone.  So I don't see how I'm going to become the "new me" by buying some more stuff from them.  In fact, I'm willing to bet that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who received this email has, at some point, bought something from Amazon. It's most likely how we ended up on their mailing list in the first place.  So by definition, *none* of us will be making a fresh start by buying more of their stuff. Will we, Amazon.  WILL WE?

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