Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sunday Night Music Club

I went out and bought an album on the day it was released last week.  The last time I did that, I was sixteen and it was a cassette tape.*

This one, which was on a boring old CD, was Build a Rocket Boys! - the new Elbow album.  I can't stop listening to it and when I'm not literally listening to it there are bits of it going round and round my head.  It's properly, properly good.

This is one of the tracks:

And this is another one, with a few words from lead singer Guy Garvey at the start.

As if having THAT voice wasn't enough, Guy Garvey writes the most beautiful lyrics; his songs are full of lines and fragments which are perfect in their simplicity and stop me in my tracks every single time I hear them. I know it's a terrible cliche to describe song lyrics as poetry, but....well, this really is poetry. Pure and simple.

*The Other Side by a group called 1927,since you ask.  They're a band you're likely to never have heard of unless you are female, you fall into a very specific (and quite narrow) age group and you spent your teenage years in Australia.  This was their difficult second album, released after their debut.....Ish which sold by the bucketload. ; My friends and I were obsessed with 1927, or more to the point with lead singer Eric Weideman.  He's on the comeback trail, apparently; but is now Erik-with-a-k not Eric-with-a-c and a completely different band, who are still called 1927. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

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