Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I've always felt that August is over-rated

See also: September.  I mean, who wants to read anything in those stupid months?

October is where it's at.  I mean, October is where I'm at - as are the rest of you, presumably - and it's sort of caught me by surprise.  Once again I'm caught in the trap of knowing it's not really the done thing to apologise for lack of posts but desperately wanting to acknowledge that I've been, well, a bit crap.

For what it's worth,  I do have some genuine excuses this time.  Especially if you are willing to overlook the fact that I was on holidays for most of August.

First, I have moved house.  Now, instead of living on my own in a shoebox in the middle of nowhere, I am renting out said shoebox and sharing a place near Waterloo with a friend.   If I had been blogging in August, chances are that anything you read would have been a variation on the theme of OH MY GOD!! LIVING IN CENTRAL LONDON IS SO AMAZING!! I CAN SEE THE LONDON EYE FROM MY LIVING ROOM!!!  I LOVE MY NEW FLAT!!! OH MY GOD LOOK, YOU CAN STILL SEE THE LONDON EYE FROM MY LIVING ROOM!! And etcetera.   This is pretty much all that the people I know in real life have managed to get out of me for the last few months.

(I quite like my new flat.  The people who know me in real life are all now VERY aware of this. You're quite lucky if you're not one of them.*)

Excuse number two is this:  my new blog.  Because that's exactly what someone without enough time, will-power or inclination to update their blog should do: start another one. Seriously though: if you like wine or books or, even better, wine AND books, please do stop by. Despite appearances, it's an 'as well as', not an 'instead of' project, in theory at least.

Excuse numbers three four and five are the usual: other writing, part-time day-job, trying to figure out exactly what I plan to do with the rest of my life. You know the drill. Oh, and my Mum was in town for a while.  That counts, yes?

Anyway.  None of this, interesting as it may be, is the reason I stopped by.  That is still to come in a different post. I bet the suspense is killing you.

*Although you might already be as sick as they all are of hearing about how amazing my new flat is.  But since you're here already and we're on the subject, I may as well tell you:  I can also see the London Eye from my bedroom.  Also,  if you stand in exactly the right spot in our two-windowed living room, you can see the London Eye from one of them and The Shard out of the other.  In the first week that I lived here, I was so excited by the fact that we had views of the London Eye that I completely failed to notice we could even see The Shard.

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