Wednesday 3 February 2010

Jack Bauer, eat your heart out....

Surprisingly, I don't have a lot in common with Jack Bauer.*  But tonight I felt just like him.

I spotted an advertisment in yesterday's Media Guardian, for what could be as close to a dream job as someone with no real clue about what they want to do next can get.  The problem was, I only saw it on the way home from my Italian class last night, and the deadline was today.  Or to be more exact, tonight.  At midnight. 

That's not just me being pedantic about what constitutes "today" in their advertisment, by the way - the website actually says midnight.  How Jack Bauer is that??  And it's one of those online applications which is all automated, so no doubt the minute the clock strikes twelve, the whole system will stop working and anyone who is only half way through their application will turn into a pumpkin.  Or something like that.

Anyway, I got part of it written earlier today and then went to see Avatar.  Got home at about 7.30 thinking I'd have plenty of time to get the rest of it done, but forgot how long these things take.  Luckily, I've just managed to get it finished, after a few hairy moments :

Hairy moment 1: trying to edit an answer which was too long for the form down to the right number of words, without missing any of the selection critera out.  Nightmare!

Hairy moment 2:  Trying to dig up a phone number for my one of my references, which I realised would involve finding my old phone,  finding the charger for said phone, charging it, and then hoping the phone number was still there.  All while frantically watching the clock tick down to midnight. 

The irony is, one of the selection critera is the ability to meet deadlines.  I thought about including something along the lines of being able to fill in their form with only 24 hours notice, leaving a whole 22 minutes spare.  But thought it was best not to.  Some people just don't get Jack.

*Well, apart from the fact that we both look slightly better now than we did in the mid 80s maybe....but who doesn't?

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