Saturday 17 April 2010


Big day yesterday.  I got up at 5am and didn't get to bed until just after 4, so it was nearly like living through an entire series of 24, in real time.  Except for the significantly reduced body count. Also, no helicopters.  Otherwise, exactly the same.

The early start was because I had a job interview not very near where I live.  I'm not going to say too much about it just now for various reasons.  One thing I will say, is that there are many questions to which the answer "not much" would be entirely appropriate:

"Do you like cucumber?"
"How much have you had to drink?"
"What did you think of Damien Rice's second album?"
"More new shoes? What did they cost?"
"Is this going to hurt?"

But when you're in a job interview, and someone says  "So, you finished working for your last company in January. What have you been doing since then?" well, let's just say that's not one of those questions. 

On a brighter note, I also started a creative writing course yesterday and the first lesson, last night, was great.  Among other things, we had to interview someone else in the class and write up what we learnt about them as if it was one of those little author blurbs you read on the back of books. Becky, the girl I interviewed, asked afterwards if she could have a copy of what I'd written about her, so that was kind of nice. Should be a fun course, I think.

It wasn't the writing class which kept me out until 4am:  I went to meet friends afterwards, who were in a wine-bar in Victoria, and when we got kicked out at closing time the idea of going to find a late-night comedy club seemed eminently sensible.  Don't ask me why.  There is a small possibility I was clinically sleep deprived by this point. 

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