Wednesday 16 June 2010

They might be good at football, but they're hopeless at dealing with unexpected traffic incidents

You could be forgiven for thinking the only source material for my (excellent and in-depth) knowledge of current affairs is Yahoo!, given the number of times I mention their news service on these pages.  It is not; it's just that I have a Yahoo (exclamation mark implied from now on, if that's OK) email account and tend to notice the headlines when I'm waiting for my mailbox to load.  Two things about Yahoo News:

1. They have a somewhat quirky news agenda.  Current breaking news over at Yahoo is
New Brain Drain As Grads Seek Jobs Abroad

It's a big issue, I'm sure, but really, breaking news?  (Unemployment figures quoted in the article are from March, incidentally. I have no problem with this; no doubt those are the latest figures available.  But it hardly helps convince me of the urgency of the story).
2. Their headlines are often fun.  Sometimes, and annoyingly I can't find any examples of this today, they deliberately make them very vague, and then pose a teaser-style question in the corner to make you click through to the story.  If you like your news to come in the form of a guessing-game, it's quite neat.  If you're in a bit of a rush, it can be irritating.

Today's headline which caught my eye was definitely one of the not so vague ones.

Student Attacks Hell's Angels with Puppy
A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria after making a rude gesture at a group of Hell's Angels motorcycle gang members, hurling a puppy at them and then escaping on a stolen bulldozer.   German police said on Monday that after making his getaway from the Hell's Angels club, the 26-year-old dumped the bulldozer, causing a 5 km (3 miles) traffic jam near the southern town of Allershausen, local police said. He then fled to his home nearby where he was apprehended by the police.  "What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell's Angels is currently unclear," said a spokesman for local police, adding that the student had lately been suffering from depression.  The puppy was now in safe hands, the spokesman added.

**Update**  Yahoo have clearly been reading this blog.  The do, now, have one of their exciting quiz-question type news stories online:

Airline to Charge for In-Flight Films  (How much?)

It's £7.50, by the way.  Should I have included a spoiler alert?

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