Thursday 1 April 2010

Been a while

I've not been here much, partly because of five days spent in Italy without any internet access, and mainly becuase the reality of having no work, and more importantly no income, has been scaring the bejesus out of me ever since I got back.  I knew it would happen eventually, but panic has started to creep in and so I've been focusing on trying to sort out some actual, real, paid for work.  It's not much fun.  I've also been working on this; my shiny new, 'work' blog.

My job hunting efforts have included both specific applications and general enquiries, which I hate.  The good news is a few balls have started rolling (I have an interview in a couple of weeks, for something I'm still not 100% sure about, but then I thought exactly the same thing going into the first interview for my most recent job, and left desperately wanting to work there. So who knows.)  The bad news is that I have learnt I will do almost anything else at all instead of writing to strangers and saying "hey, wanna employ me?"

And I really do mean anything.  Avoidance tactics I have deployed so far include cleaning the extractor fan in my kitchen, putting my entire CD collection into iTunes,  and finally arranging a plumber to come and work out why I haven't hot water anywhere apart from in my shower for the entire three years I've owned my flat.  (I still don't know yet, she is coming on Tuesday.  I thought by calling a female plumber I'd feel less stupid admitting it has hever worked and has taken me this long to get around to getting it sorted out.  As it turns out, I was wrong.)

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