Sunday 4 April 2010


Today has not been one of my finest days.  In the absence of any Easter eggs, I devoured an entire box of Jaffa Cakes.  This, I hasten to point out, happened over the course of the entire day, not in one sitting (which would have been far, far worse, right?  Please tell me I'm right).

This wouldn't be so bad, were it not for the fact that this was quite literally the *only* thing I managed to achieve today.  And when I say only, I mean it in the 'wasted the entire day doing nothing but flicking through TV channels and randomly surfing the internet, and didn't even realise until 4pm that I was still in my pyjamas' way, not in the 'only got through twelve of the twenty things on my 'to do' list' or 'still didn't get around to starting work on that award winning screenplay' kind of way.

There were lots of things I was meant to do today: finish my course application, for one, and deal with the consequences of a bookshelf that fell down last night, for another.  (The constantly falling down bookshelves in my flat are a saga unto themselves, worthy of a separate post which may or may not eventually get written. And given the way today went, the latter is looking more likely).

I did pick up all of the books and put them away when the shelf came down yesterday, but there are still boring stupid DIY tasks, like filling the holes where the screws were, to do.  These are just the latest additions to a growing list of boring stupid DIY tasks which need doing around my flat; none of which, it won't surprise you to learn, got done today either.  I hate boring stupid DIY tasks.

So that was my day.  And if you think, by blogging about it, I'm trying to shame myself back into kick-ass action mode tomorrow, you're absolutely right.  On the bright side, at least there won't be any jaffa cakes left to distract me.

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