Monday 5 April 2010

I am not going to moan*

Despite the evidence of the last couple of posts, I am determined not to let this become an outlet for self-pity, annoying whining, or woe-is-me tales about how crap life can be sometimes.

So with that in mind, I'm not going to tell you how today has, so far, only been marginally more productive than yesterday. Or that my toaster died this morning. Or even mention my pathetic lack of progress with DIY jobs/course application/insert-any-useful-activity-you-can-think of.

Just so you know.

Instead, here are some things that have cheered me up today:

1. David on this week's Come Dine With Me:  "I'm giving Sharon a nine.  Because I love Sharon, and I think she's great, and I'd give her absolutely anything.   Except a ten."  (I'm paraphrasing slightly, but that was the gist of it.  He was quite drunk, I think.) 

2. I am reading The Diary of a Provincial Lady for the first, but definitely (and I know this already) not the last time.  It is literally impossible to stay in a bad mood while reading this book.  I only wish I had discovered it sooner.

In a nut-shell, the PL is slightly self-depreciating, worried about what others think, and on a constant mission of self improvement.  A married, 1930s upper-midle-class version of Bridget Jones, basically.  The diary is full of her 'note-to-self' type memos, and brilliantly wry, witty observations about day to day country life, some of which are just glorious:

      "Am asked what I think of Hariet Hume but am unable to say as I have not read it. 
        Have a depressed feeling that this is going to be another case of Orlando about which
        was perfectly able to talk intelligently until I read it"

       "Think of several rather tart and witty rejoinders to this, but not until Lady B.'s Bentley 
         has taken her away."

        "Feel that life is wholly unendurable, and decide madly to get a new hat"

I know how she feels, sometimes.

3. The dancing duck (I think? It could be a goose or a chicken, I'm not sure.  It's also not really relevant) on the Five Alive juice adverts. No particular reason, it's just funny.

 Oh, I've just discovered, while searching for a video, that it's actually a dodo.   For some reason I can't post the video here, but this should link to it.** 



** I wish to point out, this is not an endorsement.  I have never actually, to my knowledge, tried 5 alive juices. They might be very nice.  They also might not. 

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